Rooted is the group for students and 18-30s at Elim. We usually meet on Sunday evenings, enjoying in-depth teaching from leaders, sung worship, discipleship opportunities, socialising opportunities and general support in faith to one another.
We know that being a student can be exciting, daunting, confusing, terrifying and everything in between but, without doubt, student years are some of the best years of your life! Our hope, prayer and vision for students at our church is that you feel welcome and part of our church family for your time at Uni and that you are discipled so you are growing in God’s word and discovering His exciting and unique plan for your life.
The life stage of age 18 to 30 is often turbulent, challenging, and a point where individuals have an accelerated period of growth in maturity and independence. It’s also sadly an age group in which many stop coming to church regularly and can drift from their faith through wrestling with tough questions. This is why we believe it’s important to support students, and those in their 18-30s, in a particular way, and Rooted is our vehicle for providing you with support.